What we offer Local Authorities and Schools

For families and time-pressured local authorities, using a specialist agency like SENsational Tutors can make the process of finding a tutor much faster and so much easier.
SENsational Tutors Ltd. can provide highly-experienced specialist SEN teachers to support children and young people who are unable to access an educational setting. To meet individual needs, our teachers work in accordance with the EHCP and understand the importance of developing respectful, meaningful and trusting relationships.
All the tutors are thoroughly vetted by the agency before they are allowed to work – their qualifications have been investigated, references pursued, and their DBS status checked. In addition, they all have up-to-date public liability insurance.
Most importantly, however, all our tutors have many years of experience working with children with all kinds of special needs and actually enjoy the challenge of helping these students to learn and grow.
The specialist SEN teachers can provide home, online or school-based SEN teaching and other professional services to children and young people with SEN including those with/or who have experienced:
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD);
- PDA (pathological demand avoidance);
- Mental health needs including eating disorders and self-harm;
- Anxiety and reduced self-confidence;
- SEMH, SEBH and challenging behaviour;
- Complex and medical needs including co-morbidities, brain injuries, cerebral palsy, epilspey and other significant challenges;
- Speech and language, and social needs including receptive and expressive language, and non-verbal;
The SEN tutors provide holistic and bespoke sessions with the view of improving the relevant sections on the young person’s EHCP, including:
- Cognition and learning, including academic performance and attainment;
- Communication, social interaction, and speech and language;
- Social, emotional and mental health, including helping young people to regulate their feelings and emotions;
- Building confidence and self-esteem, including helping young people to manage their anxiety and behaviour;
- Focus, concentration and attention skills, and young people to access learning and the community;
- Social skills and friendship skills;
- Independence, executive functioning and self-help.
Examples include:
- Weekly written formative plans of work will meet outcomes and individual targets set by the EHCP;
- Weekly summative reports to relevant parties to monitor progress and inform planning;
- A termly report to highlight work covered, areas for development and monitor progress;
- Completion of progress/tracking charts which are annotated when objectives are achieved;
- Verbal feedback at the end of each session to inform parents/carers of progress.
Of course, it’s also vital that anyone working with a child ‘clicks’ with that student. With a number of tutors on our books, there will always be someone who will be ‘in tune’ with the young person’s talents and interests, which is key when it comes to forming a good, working relationship.
With all the paperwork already in place, once a tutor is assigned to a family, they’re ‘ready-to-go’ at a few days’ notice and can work all over the UK in person or via video calls. This means less admin and stress for the local authority while the child can continue their education with minimal disruption.
SENsational Tutors can also provide tutors to work with groups of SEN pupils in schools, alleviating the workload of over-stretched class teachers.
Please download a booking form HERE
Below are some of the local authorities we have worked with: