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Executive Functions (Executive Functioning Skills)

What are Executive Functions?

‘Executive functions’ or ‘Executive functioning skills’, refer to a set of cognitive skills that enable all of us to organise our daily activities. Specifically, this includes things like time-management, problem-solving, the ability to focus and retain information, emotional-regulation, accessing learned information, following instructions, motivation and self-control.

Difficulty with some or all of these skills – known as ‘executive dysfunction’ – is often a feature of a profile of special needs and can occur, for example, as part of ADHD, autism, dyspraxia or dyslexia. It may also occur due to a brain injury.

Unsurprisingly, executive dysfunction has an enormous impact on a person’s ability to learn although each person will have their own, unique pattern of difficulties. A child who struggles to focus, for example, might feel overwhelmed in a busy classroom, while a student who finds it difficult to plan and manage their time may constantly arrive late for school or fail to submit homework on the right day.

Children used to be thought of as disruptive

“In years gone by, people assumed that children who were fidgety or easily-distracted were ‘naughty’ and ‘disruptive’. Quieter types who couldn’t concentrate might have been labelled ‘lazy’ or a ‘daydreamer’. But even though we now understand that poor executive function is simply a result of the ‘wiring’ of a person’s brain, teacher-training doesn’t necessarily show educators how to help students who struggle in this way”, says tutor Natasha.

Although she is an English teacher, she is currently working towards a qualification in supporting people with executive dysfunction. “I look back with a sense of sadness on my days as a classroom teacher,” she reminisces. “There were some students who couldn’t manage their time or who seemed to have memory issues, and for the life of me, I couldn’t work out why they had these problems. If only I’d known how to help them back then.”

Natasha suggests helping children to identify ways to help themselves, asking lots of questions to help them understand their own issues, rather than presenting them with solutions. “You might say, ‘What’s been happening at school?’ or, ‘So, you’ve been told off by the teacher for handing in your homework late?’ Next, you might ask, ‘What will help?’” she continues. “You could make suggestions like, ‘Have you considered using this app?’”

A Specialised Tutor or Coach Can Help

Natasha points out that getting help from a specialist tutor can make a big difference to a child’s life. “Without help, they won’t get the most out of their education. Parents could also do a lot of reading around executive function so that they come to understand it.”


Many educationalists recommend that older students with executive function issues can manage a heavy workload by using planners and ‘To Do’ lists to help them keep track of projects. They can also prevent overwhelm by breaking large assignments into smaller ‘chunks’. Forgetful students can have a set of textbooks at home as well as at school. Making notes visual by underlining key phrases in highlighter pen might help students to memorise information.


Teachers and tutors themselves can help disorganised students by keeping instructions clear and explaining them step-by-step. They can also use ‘verbal signposting’ to alert kids to points where they need to concentrate, using phrases such as, ‘You need to listen closely to this…’ or, ‘This is important to know….’

Tutor Spotlight


Sarah is a Specialist SEN Tutor and Advisor and has worked with hundreds of children and adults with every type of SEN you can think of! She absolutely adores her work and still learns

something new every day. She has worked alongside SENsational Tutors since its early days – “it is wonderful to be part of such asupportive and innovative community of tutors.”

Sarah’s experience developing children’s executive functioning skills:

“I have held a wide variety of roles in SEN Education which has given me a real insight into how executive functioning skills are important for everyone; not just those who are neurodivergent.

These skills help us to achieve our individual goals. I have clients with ADHD, Autism, Sensory Processing/Working Memory Challenges, Dyspraxia and OCD (to name a few) and their engagement with learning has dramatically changed when we underpinned the skills that we needed to work on.”

Sarah’s approach when developing children’s executive functioning skills: 

“Every child is unique in how I boost their executive functioning skills in our sessions. I spend time developing a positive rapport which in turn boosts confidence and self-esteem. I am then able to assess and choose from the large bank of strategies and resources that I use which are useful and beneficial to the individual. Feeling secure and emotional regulation is key to developing the skills of organisation, attention, focus, independence, time management, planning and flexibility.”

Sarah’s top tips for parents/carers:

Executive Functioning Skill development can really seem like a daunting and complex task. Even its name and what it’s all about can seem a little overwhelming. However, you are not alone! In my experience, Collaboration with key professionals has a really beneficial impact. I work holistically with all parties to unlock the child’s potential. Time and patience is a virtue!

Advice from an ADHD Charity

Sam Asher, an adviser with charity the ADHD Foundation offers the following strategies for boosting executive functioning in younger children on the website, suggesting that creative activities can be especially useful for boosting executive skills –

  • Singing, dancing and reciting rhymes – songs with physical actions and repeated phrases can enhance working memory (keeping information in the front of your mind). Dancing means a child has to organise their movements in time with a rhythm.

  • Visual prompts – such as the instructions on flat-pack furniture or a Lego kit are useful in helping children to see step-by-step actions.

  • Memory games such as Snap boost working memory while games such as Pick-up-Sticks help with impulse control and planning.

  • Jigsaws and word-search puzzles facilitate problem-solving.

Useful contacts

The ADHD Foundation –


Krista is a qualified SEN tutor and has a SpLD accreditation (Dyscalculia, Dyslexia and ADHD).

She mentions that she has “worked with many students with a diagnosis of dyscalculia in both school and one to one settings.  Often high levels of anxiety accompany a young person with dyscalculia, especially around maths and memory.  

I make relieving and reducing anxiety a key component of my lessons, focussing on encouragement and confidence building.  Depending on the age and interests of each student I employ techniques and activities such as rhymes, maths games, revision and flash cards, breaking down tasks into bite size chunks, making tasks visual, lots of repetition, and of course by making learning engaging and fun.

Read our blogs about Executive Function

Executive Function

‘Executive function’ or ‘executive functioning skills’ refers to a set of cognitive skills that enable us to make plans, organise information, follow instructions, maintain focus, retain information, motivate ourselves, regulate

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What is Executive Functioning?

You may have been told that your child has a problem with ‘executive functioning’. Although this might conjure up images of middle-aged men in suits carrying briefcases, it’s actually a

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